Financial Disclosures & Outside Employment

County and municipal elected officials, board members and employees all have financial disclosure obligations. Depending on what position you hold in local government will determine what form you have to complete and whether to file it locally or with the state. The financial disclosure chart helps determine which forms need to be filed.

  • County Filing Information
    More information from the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and Public Trust about who is required file, where to file and filing deadlines.

Miami-Dade County
Miami-Dade County Board Member filing status
Municipal filing status

Full-time County (including Public Health Trust) and municipal employees taking part in outside employment must file a statement about their outside employment income by July 1st of each year.

  • Outside Employment Request for Employees Requesting Permission for Outside Employment
    Miami-Dade requires that all full-time and part-time County employees intending to engage in outside employment must request and receive approval annually for outside employment via the Epars system. Follow the steps in the Employees Requesting Permission for Outside Employment guide to complete your outside employment request.

  • Outside Employment Declaration for Employees with No Outside Employment
    Every year, all employees are required to complete the declaration statement indicating they either have or do not have outside employment. Follow the steps in the Outside Employment Declaration for Employees with No Outside Employment guide to complete your declaration.